Triggers & Nutrition (DAY 4)

Today’s lesson is about common triggers (“H-A-L-T + B-S” — Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, Bored, Stressed) and the importance of proper nutrition to combat the first one: HUNGER — especially in the first couple days and weeks of going alcohol-free.

If you’re faced with these common triggers, use the Power of the Pause and/or the 5-4-3-2-1 Mindfulness exercise first, and then consider, “What does my body REALLY need right now?” Perhaps your brain is playing tricks on you that it needs alcohol, when it really just needs a proper meal or a nap!

The video reinforces why getting plenty of water and protein with every meal is on your daily checklist. Don’t skip breakfast, and aim for 30 different foods per week — variety of foods is key to get all of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that your body needs to heal. Focus on just removing alcohol right now, and not doing other cleanses, or try to quit caffeine at the same time.

The lesson also discusses several supplements that might be helpful, since long-term alcohol use can make us nutrient deficient by reducing many of the vitamins and minerals that we normally get through food. You might want to give these a shot! And if you do, I’d love to hear how it works for you!

  • L-Glutamine can help with alcohol and sugar cravings

  • Magnesium is the “relaxation” mineral that helps us unwind, destress and relax to fall asleep

  • B-Complex vitamins provide the building blocks for serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters that help regulate our mood

Enjoy today’s video!

JOURNAL PROMPT: How has your nutrition been over the past couple of days? Are you drinking plenty of water and eating protein to get ahead of Hunger triggers? Let the group know in the comments!

For a BONUS TRACK on drinking and nutrition, you might enjoy The Sober Edge's recent podcast Episode 118: How to Eat to Change How You Drink, with Dr. Brooke Scheller.


Just the Facts (DAY 5)


“Surf the Urge” (DAY 3)