“25 Sobriety Tips for 2025” e-Book Has Arrived!
25 Sobriety Tips for 2025 e-Book from The Sober Club, featuring a top tip from me, Sally Magee!
Susan’s Sobriety Journey: A Squiggly Line
Read about Susan’s “Squiggly Line” Sobriety Journey and her successes as she’s quitting drinking. Hear what benefits she’s experiencing and what strategies are working for her.
The Hummingbird is my Gratitude Symbol
This blog post shared personal reflections on my sobriety journey and the story behind the hummingbird in my logo.
Top 10 Tips for Maintaining Your Sobriety (and Sanity!) Post-Election
In response to the news of the U.S. Presidential Election, I’ve put together a list of top 10 tips for maintaining your sobriety (and sanity!). Hope it’s helpful!
Top 10 Tips for Taking a Break from Alcohol
Taking a break from alcohol can lead to real growth and transformation! As an accredited sobriety coach, I’m often asked my top tips for taking a break. Here they are: Top 10 Tips!
I was interviewed by Annie Grace!!!
I was interviewed by Annie Grace!!! Read the full post to hear about this podcast interview
“Chasing Sunsets” with Teri Patterson and Kristen Horstman
In this blog post, I’m sharing insights from a recent podcast I listened to with two of my favorite Alcohol-Free Coaches and colleagues, Teri Patterson and Kristen Horstman.
Aiming Strengths to Thrive in Sobriety – Going Alcohol-Free
This article was originally published on the Strengths Resources site created by fellow Gallup-certified Strengths Coach, Richard Sterry.
Client Success Story: David
This is the client success story of David, 65 year old architect and business owner.
Sober Resources
This post is a selection of resources to continue your sobriety journey. One-on-One Coaching options, books, podcasts and more!
DAY 1: Sample Lesson: Your “WHY” and Behavior Change
This is a SAMPLE LESSON from my 31-Day Alcohol-Free Course that is an introduction to the behavior change model called ADKAR. The assignment is to define your “WHY.”
So many mocktails, so little time! This post is a list of ideas to keep your brain fired up about all of the possibilities of non-alcoholic beverages. It includes some of my favorites to go along with the saying, “Keep the Ritual, Change the Ingredients!” ~Janey Lee Grace.
Check out my Top Tips in this FREE e-Book for DRY JANUARY!
So excited to be a contributing author in this FREE e-Book with Janey Lee Grace and the other trained Sober Coaches.
Paul’s Sobriety Story: Featuring Command® and Self-Assurance®
This is the sobriety story of one of my Executive Coaching clients, Paul, told through the lens of CliftonStrengths, featuring Command and Self-Assurance.
My Interview on the “Alcohol Free Life” Podcast!
I had the honor and privilege of being interviewed by Sobriety Rockstar, Janey Lee Grace, on her Alcohol Free Life Podcast (Nov. 21, 2023). This post shares some of the highlights of the discussion. Link to the episode will be added once it airs.
Confidence Comes Last
This blog post is the application of the “4 C’s Formula” in the context of sobriety and executive leadership.
Authentic Leadership *Sometimes* Requires Courage
“Authentic Leadership Sometimes Requires Courage.” This article is about building trust in teams. Being an authentic leader sometimes means being vulnerable, which can require courage.
You Can’t Unlearn What You’ve Learned
I consider myself a life-long learner. In this post, I share some of the things I learned to help me shift my relationship with alcohol to feeling free and liberated, not fixated on drinking.
My Sobriety Journey through the Lens of my CliftonStrengths
I’ve learned so many things on my sobriety journey. In this blog post, I share how my Top 5 CliftonStrengths impacted my early days of sobriety.
“No Need for Labels”
No Need for Labels
I don’t think it’s particularly helpful to put a label on our drinking habits. You don’t have to call yourself an “alcoholic” to wonder what drinking less might look like.