Filling Your “Drinking” Time (DAY 12)
If one of your drinking triggers is B = BOREDOM (using the HALT + BS framework), then here is an extensive list of things that you can do with your time besides DRINKING ALCOHOL! Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the list for the HW / JOURNAL PROMPT assignment!
BONUS! Some of the -ING activities below also fit into Jolene Park’s “NOURISH” framework (reference her Gray Area Drinking video in yesterday’s lesson) to increase your GABA, serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters, where:
N = Notice Nature: Gardening, walking outside
O = Observe Your Breath: Meditating, deep breathing
U = Unite with Others: Socializing with friends, hugging your pets, getting a massage
R = Replenish with Food: Eating protein! Protein breaks down to create the amino acids that replenish GABA, serotonin and dopamine. Omega-3 fats (found in walnuts, flax seeds and fish oils) build our neurotransmitters; carbohydrates (like leafy green vegetables give you the B vitamins that create your neurotransmitters. Remember your Daily Checklist (protein with every meal) and target of 30 different foods per week!? This is more of the science as to why this is important!
I = Initiate movement: Doing a yoga class, walking, biking, etc.
S = Still: Sitting in stillness or silence helps reset for your nervous system. Praying, reading scripture, meditating.
H = Harness your Creativity: Focused activities that ends in -ING like coloring, gardening or select something from the list below, that would be considered a “positive hobby” that can harness your creativity!
Add your own to the list in the Comments. List adapted from Tempest, 101 Sober Rituals to Replace Your Nightly Glass of Wine.
Making a mocktail: Keep the ritual, change the ingredients!
Listening to a podcast or audiobook
Reading a book
Reading an on-line article about something you’re curious about
Watching a documentary
Watching a funny movie
Finding a good series on Netflix and watch an episode or two
Working a puzzle
Working a cross-word puzzle
Playing a game like solitaire, scrabble or Woordle on your phone
Watering and/or checking on your indoor plants
Going to the gym
Riding a bike
Taking a walk
Going for a drive
Jumping rope
Doing an on-line workout in your living room (who needs to pay for a gym?!)
Doing an exercise challenge (ex., 10 push-ups/day)
Doing a yoga class
Gentle stretching
Sitting in a sauna
Sitting in an ice bath
Soaking in a hot tub
Practicing origami
Calling a friend
Texting a friend
Taking a bubble bath
Giving yourself a facial
Reading a good “Quit Lit” book
Writing a gratitude list
Writing a to-do list for the next day
Checking-in on a neighbor
Checking in on a family member
Practicing a new language
Reviewing and/or rewriting goals
Making a green smoothie
Taking a vitamin (B12, D, C are all great for mood and energy boosts!)
Playing / practicing an instrument
Writing down one thing that went well that day (this helps train your brain to scan your day to find the positives)
Writing down one thing you want to work on/do better the next day
Listening to music
Researching a topic you don’t know about
Repeating a daily affirmation
Cleaning a room
Organizing a closet
Organizing a drawer
Organizing your bookshelf
Organizing the photos on your phone
Building with Legos
Going to a sobriety support app like The Sober Club and posting a message for support
Scrolling through the messages on your sober support app for added motivation and inspiration
Trying a new recipe
Self-massaging / pressure points with a foam roller
Doing a word search
Playing a board game
Following along with a breathing app
Making a fire
Lighting a candle
Smelling something nice (aromatherapy, room spray, candle, etc.)
Making a cup of tea
Making your bed
Getting fresh air
Playing video games
Writing and mailing a note to someone
Watching YouTube videos
Re-watching previous lessons from this Alcohol-Free Challenge!
Making a cup of matcha
Making a cup of coffee
Having (consensual) sex
Taking your dog for a walk
Petting your cat
Making a list of things you want to buy with money not spent on alcohol.
Online window shopping
Working with clay
Attending an on-line class
Creating an on-line video
Writing a blog
Updating your LinkedIn (or other social media) profile
Writing content for a social media post (writing a short article, sharing photos, etc.)
Doing a load of laundry
Sweeping the floor
Tending your garden
Making lunch for the next day
Learning calligraphy
Making jewelry
Creating/adding to your vision board
Playing online board games with a friend
Lying under a weighted blanket
Putting your feet in a foot massager
Sending someone a thank you card
Reading a poem
Writing a poem
Learning a dance
Painting your nails
Punching a pillow
Closing your eyes and identify five sounds
Lying down and do a body scan from head to toe
Snuggling a pet
Making a grocery list for next week (or just tomorrow)
Adding your own in the Comments below!
JOURNAL PROMPT: Out of the list above, narrow down the list to at least 10 things that you can and would actually do. Keep that list handy for the next time you have a “B = BORED” trigger and find something else you would enjoy doing to “H = Harness Your Creativity” and naturally boost your GABA, serotonin and dopamine instead of drinking alcohol! This list will become one of the tools in your “Sober Toolkit” going forward, to help you build more alcohol-free days, weeks, and beyond!
If you have other ideas not listed above, please add to the comments and help grow the list!