Sobriety Rocks…Who Knew!?

If you haven’t come across Janey Lee Grace yet, it’s my pleasure to introduce you to her! This Tedx Talk jump-started her celebrity in the alcohol-free movement. As the story goes, a woman in the audience of this talk asked her where she could learn more and get support. And with that, the idea of “The Sober Club” was born! She has expanded her reach and now trains Sober Coaches to help people reach their sobriety goals. I’m a 2023 graduate of The Sober Club Accredited Coach program.

As an FYI, membership in The Sober Club is a very reasonable ~$23/month and is suggested as a supplement to your Alcohol-Free Challenge if you’d like additional support, inspiration and motivation. It has a TON of resources! Annual membership is also included in my Reach New Heights 6-Month 1:1 Coaching Package. Give it a trial run and see what you think.

ENJOY hearing from Janey today!

“Sobriety Rocks - Who Knew” Tedx Talk by Janey Lee Grace.

Alcohol is normalised in society, despite being an addictive harmful drug. Its the only drug we have to justify NOT taking! There is a movement towards mindful drinking and choosing sobriety and its incredibly liberating to be free of the 'wine o clock' culture.

Many of us are 'grey area drinkers' who would benefit from taking a break from the booze to access a whole array of positive benefits. Lets change the conversation around alcohol! "

Janey Lee Grace is an Amazon No. 1 Best-selling author, commentator, and co-presenter on the UK’s biggest radio show, BBC Radio 2’s Steve Wright in the Afternoon. She runs the popular recommendations blog - Janey has written five books on Holistic living including the number One Amazon best seller Imperfectly Natural Woman and currently writes columns for many magazines, and runs training workshops and consultations on Media Breakthrough for holistic businesses and solopreneurs. She hosts the annual Janey Loves Platinum Awards to recognise the best in natural and organic products and services with categories for practitioners and wellbeing authors.

After ditching the booze Janey has launched a podcast ‘Alcohol Free Life’ focusing on sober self-care." This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Sobriety Rocks - Who Knew! by Janey Lee Grace

What’s ONE THING you took away from this video? Add your comments below!


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Vulnerability & Courage (DAY 31)