Three Simple Strategies to Boost Your Mood (DAY 19)

Staci Danford, is an Educational Neuroscientist who you heard from in yesterday’s lesson. I think her work in neuroscience is fun AND inspirational! In light of the lesson earlier this week that looked at how long-term alcohol use can dampen your happiness, I’ve brought the expertise of Staci Danford to the program to teach you how to change your brain chemistry almost instantly to give yourself a mood boost! This is especially important at this stage of the program, as you might be experiencing some difficult emotions and mood challenges as your body and brain are adapting to not having alcohol. Here are some tips that should help!

This lesson has three of my favorite tips, along with a HW assignment at the bottom.

  1. LAUGHTER! Laughter is one of the fastest ways to boost your ENDORPHINS! A good belly laugh is what it takes! Endorphins are the feel-good chemicals that relieve pain and reduce stress. Laughter effects your stress response, heart rate and blood pressure, which can help you feel relaxed. Endorphins also contribute to feeling calm and happy, improving mood and reducing anxiety. As an added bonus, laughing also increases your intake of oxygen-rich air and blood flow and circulation, which can improve brain health.

  2. MUSIC! Listening to music you love is an excellent producer of DOPAMINE! Songs that make your head “bop” and shoulders “dance” is the kind of music that helps create the happy chemicals in your brain. Danford explains, “that bouncy feeling is the crucial key.” Songs that you simply like to sing along to might not do the trick — it has to be music that makes you want to dance (even if you’re sitting in your car!).

  3. MOVEMENT OUTSIDE! Sunshine can create an immediate boost in SEROTONIN, which will improve your mood fast. Serotonin is sometimes called the “happy” chemical because it contributes to long-lasting feelings of wellbeing and happiness; it also helps regulate our moods, emotions and metabolism. As Dansford explains, “Going outside for a few minutes, or just sitting next to a sunny window if you can’t actually get outside can be a quick mood changer. A drive in the car with the windows down and the sun shining in can also spark a boost of serotonin.” When you add Movement (-ING activities), outside in Nature, you’re getting the added serotonin boost covered in Jolene Park’s NOURISH framework (reference the lesson on Gray Area Drinking).

Images copied from Staci Danford’s Instagram: @stacidansford


  1. Create a Laughter Playlist of funny videos, quotes or memes on your phone that you can get to quickly. Watch it whenever you need a release of endorphins to boost your happiness.

  2. Create a “Bouncy” Music Playlist on your phone to pull out when you need a dose of joy and a dopamine lift.

  3. Feeling stressed? Remember taking a quick walk outside in the sunshine will boost your serotonin.

BONUS: For more info from Staci Danford, check out her website here: She has a podcast called “A Mental Makeover” you might enjoy, as well as a weekly BRAIN Boosting Tip Newsletter.


CliftonStrengths!® (DAY 20)


Thankful Thursday! (DAY 18)