Week 1 Reflections! (DAY 7)
Today’s video is a quick run through of the lessons from the first week of your Alcohol-Free Challenge, to reinforce your learning. It briefly covers:
The behavior change model ADKAR, establishing your WHY, and setting goals for the month
“Power of the Pause,” “Play the Movie Forward” and the 5-4-3-2-1 Mindfulness technique
“Surfing the Urge” with a video by Dr. Kelly McGonigal, neuroscientist and Sanford psychologist
The impacts of alcohol on our brains and bodies, “Just the Facts”
Health Benefits from Quitting Drinking, by Annie Grace, author of This Naked Mind
As you wrap up this first week, spend a few minutes jotting down a few thoughts:
How did you do this week?
How did you feel? Any new emotions popping up?
Any particular challenges?
What are your successes and celebrations!
Feel free to share with the group in the Comments section below!
Watch the video above for a quick recap of the lessons from this week, to reinforce your learning!