The 5th Element: Career Wellbeing (LESSON 27)
Today’s lesson is the final installment of Gallup’s research on wellbeing, based on the book, Wellbeing at Work: How to Build Resilient and Thriving Teams. By studying the human behavior and wellbeing of more than 98% of the world’s population and conducting over 100 million interviews, Gallup uncovered the five common elements that people need to THRIVE IN THEIR LIVES:
Physical: You have energy to get things done
Social: You have meaningful relationships in your life
Community: You like where you live
Financial: You manage your money well
Career: You like what you do every day
Today’s lesson is a discussion of the fifth element: CAREER WELLBEING. A few of the talking points from the lesson:
People with high Career Wellbeing wake up every morning with something to look forward to doing that day. Whether they are working from home or in an office, a classroom or a cubicle, they have the opportunity to use their strengths each day and make progress.
Those with high career wellbeing look forward to going to work. They know they have the skills and talents to be successful.
They enjoy the work as much – or more – than the paycheck.
Ultimately, regardless of the stresses or demands on any given day or week, they enjoy doing what they do best to make a difference in the world.
What we know about Career Wellbeing is this: It is the FOUNDATION of “the best possible life.”
Everything starts there. In the absence of a good job and career, there is no net thriving.
While “my work” is the single most important variable, the 5 Elements that affect your wellbeing are interdependent. They rely on each other.
“When an employee is thriving in their career, their “live for the weekend” mindset fades or disappears altogether. The drop in mood from Sunday to Monday is essentially cut in half. These employees are more productive, creative and innovative because they find their work intrinsically rewarding.”
Reference: Wellbeing at Work: How to Build Resilient and Thriving Teams by Jim Clifton and Jim Harter
Scroll down for the Journal Prompts and Action Planning steps from the video.
Of all the things you do well in your job, which ones do you believe you do BEST?
Where do you find the most FULFILLMENT in your role? Find opportunities to do more of this!
Does your work fulfill your SENSE OF PURPOSE?
What kind of work do with EASE and EXCELLENCE and ENJOYMENT?
Looking ahead to today or tomorrow, what brings you the most ENERGY?
If you could make ONE CHANGE for the better in your current role, what would it be?
Study your BEST DAYS at work
Identify things that ENGAGE and DISENGAGE you
Pay attention to MOMENTS OF EXCELLENCE, especially those that are different than others in your social or work environment
Use these observations to answer: WHEN DO YOU GET THE BEST OF ME?