Week 1 Reflections! (LESSON 7)

Today’s video is a quick run through of the lessons from the first week of your Alcohol-Free Challenge, to reinforce your learning. It briefly covers:

  • The behavior change model ADKAR, establishing your WHY, and setting goals for the month

  • “Power of the Pause,” “Play the Movie Forward” and the 5-4-3-2-1 Mindfulness technique

  • “Surfing the Urge” with a video by Dr. Kelly McGonigal, neuroscientist and Sanford psychologist

  • The impacts of alcohol on our brains and bodies, “Just the Facts”

  • Health Benefits from Quitting Drinking, by Annie Grace, author of This Naked Mind

As you wrap up this first week, spend a few minutes jotting down a few thoughts:

  • How did you do this week?

  • How did you feel? Any new emotions popping up?

  • Any particular challenges?

  • What are your successes and celebrations!

  • Feel free to share with the group in the Comments section below!

Watch the video above for a quick recap of the lessons from this week, to reinforce your learning!


Health Benefits When You Stop Drinking (LESSON 6)


Why Do We Drink It? The First of 3 Reasons We Drink: The Substance (LESSON 8)