“Cells that Wire Together, Fire Together” (DAY 16)
In this lesson, I explain the saying, “cells that wire together, fire together” and how habits can be deeply embedded into our belief system. I use an example from a previous lesson of how our society teaches us that Parties = Alcohol = Fun. This thinking that drinking alcohol at parties is what leads us to have a good time can become so embedded into our belief system, that it becomes part of our subconscious.
We can ‘untangle’ this equation: Party = Alcohol = Fun, by learning to use the Liminal Process to evaluate our beliefs. In the video, I explain how using a mindset of curiosity and questioning our beliefs, we can start to change them and “unwire” the linkage between Party and Fun, taking Alcohol out of the equation.
With a mindset of curiosity, here’s how to examine your beliefs and start to rewire them:
Why do I believe this?
Where did this belief come from?
Is it ALWAYS true?
Is there any possibility that it might not be true?
Is there any evidence that something contrary might be true?
What are some alternatives you could consider?
Watch the video to learn more! And then scroll to the bottom - there’s a journal prompt!
WHY DO YOU DRINK? Brainstorm everything you can think of! List ALL of the reasons why you drink (or drank, if you’re not drinking right now!) in the first place. A few examples:
You like the taste
To help you sleep
To relax or unwind after a long work day
To manage a difficult travel schedule
To destress after tough client (boss, customer, etc.) meetings
To handle awkward networking events
To manage difficult relationship(s) with your boss, spouse, kids, etc.
To loosen up in the bedroom
To fit in at social events
To reward yourself for… anything!
To celebrate the weekend
With time, effort, and deep thinking using the Liminal Process, there are ways to detangle ALL of these reasons! This is the work that I do with my 1:1 clients that is extremely powerful! It can be incredibly FREEING and EMPOWERING to find ways to accomplish all of the above without alcohol. It’s the difference between feeling fixated vs. liberated. I like to call it “Alcohol Freedom” coaching.